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Abricots BIO
Abricots BIO
Sucre, Ananas, Acide Nutrique (E330), Conservateur (E223) (SULFITE)
Valeur nutritionnelle par 100gr
Énergie: 1521/358 KJ / kcal
Graisses: 0,0 g / 100 g
Dont acides gras saturés: 0,0 g / 100 g
Glucides: 86,6 g / 100 g
Dont sucres: 86,1 g / 100 g
Blancs d’œufs: 1,2 g / 100 g
Sel: 0,003 g / 100 g -
Graines de tournesol pelées BIO
Graines de tournesol pelées BIO
Valeur nutritionnelle par 100 grammes
Énergie: 2445/584 KJ / kcal
Graisses: 51,5 g / 100 g
Dont acides gras saturés: 4,5 g / 100 g
Glucides: 0 g / 100 g
Dont sucres: 0 g / 100 g
Protéine: 20,8 g / 100 g
Fibre: 8,6 g / 100 g
Sodium: 0,09 g / 100 g
Sel: 0,023 g / 100 g -
Noisettes BIO
Hazelnuts are filling, delicious and nutritious.
There are a handful of vitamins and minerals found in hazelnuts that promote heart health. Aside from being a great source of fiber, they contain a large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, which help to reduce LDL cholesterol (the “bad” kind) and increase HDL cholesterol (the “good” kind).
Hazelnuts have many vitamins and minerals that are powerful antioxidants.
Noix du Brésil BIO
Brazil nuts nutrition is quite impressive.
The No. 1 food source on the planet for selenium is brazil nuts. Selenium has been scientifically proven to lift mood and prevent depression.
Brazil nuts are also on the list of cancer-fighting foods, due to their high ellagic acid and selenium levels.
In small amounts, Brazil nuts can provide a healthy boost to one of your most important organs — your heart.